
Monday, July 30, 2012

"Do you believe in weight loss pills?" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Do you believe in weight loss pills?" by FeatherRock, there have been 8 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was Cthulhu.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: sandooch
On: 07-23-2012 01:46 AM

---Quote (Originally by misumaru15)---
So for those that took them and like them, you basically got a bit of energy. Energy boosts are good if you are also working out. You need to combine diet and exercise. Sometimes that's tough when you have a family, job and kids.
---End Quote---

Exactly! For me it is all about getting the extra energy to give my all during my work outs, get my daily chores done and feel a little happier during the day, not dragging myself around. When I do all that with a good amount of energy, it is no problem for me to stick to my diet and stay away from junk. I also find that I burn more calories just because I don't want to sit around as much. So I'm working in my garden more, cleaning out a closet I've been putting off cleaning, playing with my dog more, etc... It all means more calories being burned because I'm not just sitting around watching tv, thinking about what I should be doing.
Posted by: shaun
On: 07-23-2012 07:53 AM

---Quote (Originally by dsb3447)---
Yes, I do believe in using them somewhat. When I start another phase of my weight loss journey I am considering using a carb blocker so that I can have carbs every now and then without guilt or feeling like I'm a diet failure. I'm trying different bread alternatives available to me, and some are okay but just aren't as good. If I don't try that, then I think I would really benefit from a fat burning supplement. For some reason I can drop pounds in days but fat just doesn't want to come off. I think I just need more research on fat burning.
---End Quote---
Carb blockers are not very effective at their purported job and there are side effects. A better option would be to time your carbohydrate consumption for post-workout, taking advantage of the post-workout window.
Posted by: derek
On: 07-23-2012 10:49 AM

---Quote (Originally by dsb3447)---
Yes, I do believe in using them somewhat. When I start another phase of my weight loss journey I am considering using a carb blocker so that I can have carbs every now and then without guilt or feeling like I'm a diet failure. I'm trying different bread alternatives available to me, and some are okay but just aren't as good. If I don't try that, then I think I would really benefit from a fat burning supplement. For some reason I can drop pounds in days but fat just doesn't want to come off. I think I just need more research on fat burning.
---End Quote---
Carb blockers are not the most effective way to lose weight...and bread? Drop it! Just get rid of all bread and most pastas from your diet, your grocery list, and your house period. Don't put those carbohydrates into your body at all and you will feel much better and will not need a carb-blocker to continue to burn fat stores.

---Quote (Originally by sandooch)---
I've taken weight loss pills on and off for over thirty years (more off than on). The best and worst was ephedra. It gave me the energy to not only get through my day but to Spring clean my whole house, re-tile the roof and build a shed in the backyard...all in one day. Okay, I kid, I kid...but it felt like I could do all that. That was the best energy I had ever had. I took it for 7 months straight, one pill a day (metabolift), and lost a ton of weight and got into the best shape of my life. Then the bottom fell out and I started to get chest pains and become dizzy. I went to see a doctor about it and told him about the ephedra and he told me to immediately get off of them because they could damage my heart. Shortly after this, I started read and hearing about how bad ephedra was in the new and in magazines and that people were dying from taking it. Very scary!

That was back in 1999, and I hadn't taken any diet pill since, just a few Monster drinks, which gave me minimal energy. Most recently, tough, I did start to take a pill from Nutrex called Lipo 6 Ultra Concentrate. It has the caffeine equivalent of 2 cups of coffee. I did some searching online and haven't found any negative reviews on it or on the other list of ingredients in it. But, of course, that's not saying that something could be found out about it later on.

But I was desperate for a little energy because, despite eating clean and living a clean lifestyle, I was dragging through my day. My sister was the one who told me about the Lipo 6, but at first I said no to them, remembering what happened with the Metabolift. But after doing some searching on the ingredients in this pill and not coming up with anything negative, I threw caution to the wind and tried one of hers.

Now, it didn't give me the same energy as Metabolift did, but I did feel a nice lift of energy overcome me within 20 minutes of taking it, which lasted me about 5-6 hours. The bottle says you can take a second pill in the afternoon, but I didn't want to chance it. The nice thing about this pill is I didn't get a headache or the extremely fatigued feeling I got the next day from not taking a metabolift pill. That impressed me.

It is also supposed to supress your appetite, but I didn't really notice any difference there. I take it more to help me get through with my workouts and get some things done around the house. And I only take it 3 times a week, too.
---End Quote---
You should post a review of Lipo 6 Ultra Concentrate in the product reviews section. Also, ephedra is one of the top 5 fat burners available and can still be purchased over the counters at pharmacies across the nation...I take it myself (50mg) every day now. Ephedra is a proven effective fat burner / weight loss pill that can enhance a healthy diet and exercise program.

---Quote (Originally by misumaru15)---
So for those that took them and like them, you basically got a bit of energy. Energy boosts are good if you are also working out. You need to combine diet and exercise. Sometimes that's tough when you have a family, job and kids.
---End Quote---
Basically yes. Most energy supplements and weight loss pills (no matter what is claimed) simply provide a stimulating effect (as long as your body is not already acclimated to those stimulants) that gives you a short boost of energy...some people use that energy to work out with more intensity and focus...stimulants do not work for me and actually make me less vascular during a workout.

---Quote (Originally by shaun)---
Carb blockers are not very effective at their purported job and there are side effects. A better option would be to time your carbohydrate consumption for post-workout, taking advantage of the post-workout window.
---End Quote---
I think I agreed above in regards to your response as well. However, I have been continuing with my fasting for 1 hour post workout during my cutting phase to utilize the time for fat burning maximization as opposed to carb loading...better for cutting whereas carb loading immediately after workout would be more suited for bulking. Cthulhu gave me some insight into it and it has worked effectively to get me off a 30 pound weight loss plateau so far.
Posted by: sandooch
On: 07-24-2012 01:45 AM

Derek, you are very fortunate that you don't have any problems from taking Ephedra. What about on days you don't take it, since I know you need to cycle off of them periocically? Do you crash? God, I was never so exhausted as I was coming off of the Ephedra. That was a tired I never want to know again.
Posted by: MyDigitalpoint
On: 07-24-2012 07:38 AM

Most weight loss pill are mostly "miracle" products with little or not real results tackling overweight.

My sister used to take those pills and she did it for years without having a significant reduction, and the few pounds that she lost were probably associated to diet and exercise that she was engaged with to lose those extra pounds.

Eventually she got back in shape, but not due to pills or any regime or fitness routine, but due to going to work in a mission where she rarely ate and very little due to the circumstances of the job place.
Posted by: derek
On: 07-24-2012 10:40 AM

---Quote (Originally by sandooch)---
Derek, you are very fortunate that you don't have any problems from taking Ephedra. What about on days you don't take it, since I know you need to cycle off of them periocically? Do you crash? God, I was never so exhausted as I was coming off of the Ephedra. That was a tired I never want to know again.
---End Quote---

I don't skip days with the ephedra...just a week here and there periodically. No, I do not experience a crash coming off ephedra (although I used to) anymore since by the time I cycle off I am so acclimated to it. I did experience a slight crash from clenbuterol, but ephedra isn't too bad for body has been exposed to so many supplements that not much affects me these days.
Posted by: DustinM
On: 07-25-2012 03:52 AM

I'm not in a favor of using diet pills because these can be only effective if you do regular exercises with it.Without doing exercises these diet pills can only cause side effects to your body so these pills should be avoided.
Posted by: Cthulhu
On: 07-25-2012 04:02 AM

I recommend crystal meth myself.........via smoking or the pounds (and your teeth) drop right off..........

Methamphetamines............sweet nectar of the Gods...........

All the best,
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