
Monday, July 30, 2012

"Have you heard of diabesity?" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Have you heard of diabesity?" by Pat, there have been 2 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was derek.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: francrislee
On: 07-23-2012 04:06 AM

Its a new term combining "Diabetes" and "Obesity". I think this term is being popularized as a form of advocacy to prevent the influx of diabetes cases resulting from obesity. Almost 30-40% of the population now develops diabetes due to over weight problems and a lot of non government agencies strive hard to put solutions to these problem.
Posted by: derek
On: 07-23-2012 11:11 AM

---Quote (Originally by Pat)---
Derek I don't think anything you said would offend anyone, it is the truth which more people should pay attention before it is too late. If you can control your diabetes thru diet why not. I would rather keep the money that I would have to pay for medicine in my packet or purchase something I really want.

Some people have just settled for have diabetes or any other ailment. I have noticed that some people seem to take pride in how many prescriptions they take.
---End Quote---

And I would rather keep the money in MY pocket as opposed to paying for an obese diabetic's medicine as well via medicare / taxes! Unfortunately, we are gravitating to a financially desolate socialist system and I do not have that choice. I will do what is in my control and keep myself fit and help as many other people make that choice at SHS as well.

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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