
Monday, July 30, 2012

"I'm trying to gain weight" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "I'm trying to gain weight" by Anthrax, there have been 6 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was derek.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: Cthulhu
On: 07-23-2012 01:39 AM

---Quote (Originally by shaun)---
Cow's do not produce milk for humans, they produce milk for calves. Humans have exploited the cow's capacity to produce milk through domestication, but it is not designed for us from an evolutionary standpoint.

It does contain nutrients we need, but it also contain lactose and the majority of the world's population are lactose intolerant, which reaffirms my point about it not being designed for humans. There are better sources of protein, fat and carbs.
---End Quote---

That argument is ridiculous and annoys me to no end when I hear it. No food is DESIGNED for humans. Creatures don't produce muscle for us to eat. Plants don't grow to feed us. We have discovered these sources of food and nutrients, same as milk. If you're against the horrendous conditions animals are kept in (which I am), I can certainly see being against drinking milk (I drink only free-range organic for this very reason). If you're against all the hormones and antibiotics given to cows that produce milk, I can certainly see that as a reason as well (I would advise buying organic - one of the FEW organic foods that is worth the money). But the "cows milk is for calves, not humans" argument is just stupid.......

And the majority of the world is NOT lactose intolerant. Some people have effects from the additives in regular milk and mistake that for lactose intolerance. Others, since they don't eat many dairy products, do not have the bacteria needed to digest them properly - but these bacteria build up after a couple of weeks and the issue disappears. Finally, many medications including things like Pepto Bismol and antibiotics kill the beneficial bacteria needed to digest dairy, causing symptoms of lactose intolerance. The actual number of truly lactose intolerant people is MUCH MUCH lower than some estimate.....
Posted by: shaun
On: 07-23-2012 07:12 AM

---Quote (Originally by Cthulhu)---
That argument is ridiculous and annoys me to no end when I hear it. No food is DESIGNED for humans. Creatures don't produce muscle for us to eat. Plants don't grow to feed us. We have discovered these sources of food and nutrients, same as milk. If you're against the horrendous conditions animals are kept in (which I am), I can certainly see being against drinking milk (I drink only free-range organic for this very reason). If you're against all the hormones and antibiotics given to cows that produce milk, I can certainly see that as a reason as well (I would advise buying organic - one of the FEW organic foods that is worth the money). But the "cows milk is for calves, not humans" argument is just stupid.......

And the majority of the world is NOT lactose intolerant. Some people have effects from the additives in regular milk and mistake that for lactose intolerance. Others, since they don't eat many dairy products, do not have the bacteria needed to digest them properly - but these bacteria build up after a couple of weeks and the issue disappears. Finally, many medications including things like Pepto Bismol and antibiotics kill the beneficial bacteria needed to digest dairy, causing symptoms of lactose intolerance. The actual number of truly lactose intolerant people is MUCH MUCH lower than some estimate.....
---End Quote---
I don't think it is nonsense, the milk is tailored to the needs of the animal, this is why the milk of each animal is different.

I read that 75% of the world's population are lactose intolerant. Up to 90% in some African and Asian countries where there is no tradition of dairy farming.

Well, no other species on the planet consumes another mammals milk and most of the studies on milk reported intestinal irritation.

You are probably lactose intolerant if you suffer from bloating and diarrhea after drinking milk.
Posted by: derek
On: 07-23-2012 10:42 AM

---Quote (Originally by shaun)---
I don't think it is nonsense, the milk is tailored to the needs of the animal, this is why the milk of each animal is different.

I read that 75% of the world's population are lactose intolerant. Up to 90% in some African and Asian countries where there is no tradition of dairy farming.

Well, no other species on the planet consumes another mammals milk and most of the studies on milk reported intestinal irritation.

You are probably lactose intolerant if you suffer from bloating and diarrhea after drinking milk.
---End Quote---

If 75% of the world is lactose intolerant, and that number correlates to the United States...and, if 40% of people start the day with a bowl of cereal and milk (which is the social norm here), does that mean that 30% of the United States goes to school and work each day with diarrhea? That would be horrendous!
Posted by: FlipKup
On: 07-26-2012 01:13 AM

---Quote (Originally by save27)---
Eat a lot of protein, I believe it is recommended you should get around 0.8 to 1 gram for every pound of body weight.
---End Quote---

This is the method that I try for my own weight gain problem. It is not working too well, I feel like I should either switch methods or up my intake. Neither is appealing to me, so I wish I could just talk to my body and hear what it wants! Unfortunately, that's not going to happen anytime soon...
Posted by: shaun
On: 07-26-2012 08:02 AM

---Quote (Originally by FlipKup)---
This is the method that I try for my own weight gain problem. It is not working too well, I feel like I should either switch methods or up my intake. Neither is appealing to me, so I wish I could just talk to my body and hear what it wants! Unfortunately, that's not going to happen anytime soon...
---End Quote---
You would need to reveal what you are eating for us to give you more specific advice. How many carbohydrates are you eating? How much fat are you eating? You will need to increase your carbohydrate and fat intake if you are struggling to gain weight.
Posted by: derek
On: 07-26-2012 08:35 AM

---Quote (Originally by FlipKup)---
This is the method that I try for my own weight gain problem. It is not working too well, I feel like I should either switch methods or up my intake. Neither is appealing to me, so I wish I could just talk to my body and hear what it wants! Unfortunately, that's not going to happen anytime soon...
---End Quote---
If you post your current diet, we can help you gain weight in as lean of a manner as possible.

---Quote (Originally by shaun)---
You would need to reveal what you are eating for us to give you more specific advice. How many carbohydrates are you eating? How much fat are you eating? You will need to increase your carbohydrate and fat intake if you are struggling to gain weight.
---End Quote---

Carbs mainly...and complex ones at that if good weight is desired. Thanks Shaun, we will wait on FlipKup to get us some more detailed information on current diet and current weight gain goals.

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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