
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"My first body building competition pic (get ready to laugh)!" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "My first body building competition pic (get ready to laugh)!" by sandooch, there have been 2 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was shaun.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: sandooch
On: 07-24-2012 12:52 AM

Thank you everyone for the encouragement!

endirio, I actually preferred to work out at home with my Firm DVDs. I liked the fact that I could do it any time and din't have to wait for any equipment to be free.

Shaun, that is the woman that I thought should have won that competition, but at that time being super cut was in. Even though the lady who won looked way too skinny.

T-Tapp uses mostly isometric compound exercises and always works out 5-6 muscle groups at the same time. When I first did the DVD, I thought I just threw my money down the drain because it was too easy. But once I worked with a T-Tapp trainer, I realized very quickly that I didn't know what the Hell I was doing the first time. I was sweating buckets after I learned how to perform the movements correctly and was extremely sore the next day.
Posted by: shaun
On: 07-24-2012 09:10 AM

---Quote (Originally by sandooch)---
Thank you everyone for the encouragement!

endirio, I actually preferred to work out at home with my Firm DVDs. I liked the fact that I could do it any time and din't have to wait for any equipment to be free.

Shaun, that is the woman that I thought should have won that competition, but at that time being super cut was in. Even though the lady who won looked way too skinny.

T-Tapp uses mostly isometric compound exercises and always works out 5-6 muscle groups at the same time. When I first did the DVD, I thought I just threw my money down the drain because it was too easy. But once I worked with a T-Tapp trainer, I realized very quickly that I didn't know what the Hell I was doing the first time. I was sweating buckets after I learned how to perform the movements correctly and was extremely sore the next day.
---End Quote---
Sounds good,, I'll have to look it up. I've recently started incorporating isometric exercises into my routine. Gymnastic exercises like the planche, V-Sit and levers. I can't do them yet but I'm doing the progressional exercises.

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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