
Monday, July 30, 2012

"What's your favorite time of day to work out?" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "What's your favorite time of day to work out?" by Brihooter, there have been 2 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was derek.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: layzor
On: 07-25-2012 11:57 PM

I perfer to workout in the morning but I got to get up early for work. So I'm forced to workout after work.
Posted by: derek
On: 07-26-2012 12:19 AM

---Quote (Originally by layzor)---
I perfer to workout in the morning but I got to get up early for work. So I'm forced to workout after work.
---End Quote---

Ditto. I wish I could do the early morning cardio myself...I am out the door around 6am and my internal clock is not letting me wake up before the cardio is out. I have tried and tried but I find myself going to bed around 12:30am or 1am, so less than 5 hours of sleep per night on a 5 day workout schedule kills me. It is an excuse, I know, but I do weight training in the afternoon in a fasted state right now and it works well to burn fat as well as build muscle.

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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