
Monday, August 6, 2012

"I want my wife to do STD testing" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "I want my wife to do STD testing" by Mayke, there have been 7 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was misumaru15.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: Pat
On: 08-02-2012 10:06 PM

I agree that one ever you change partners the two of you should get tested. You don't know who that person was with before you, to reduce the spread of germs testing is always good. Just ask your wife to get tested so that you are more comfortable, she should understand that she introduced another person into the relationship and you are not comfortable without the test.
Posted by: SoulJam
On: 08-02-2012 11:55 PM

---Quote (Originally by Mayke)---
I beg your pardon, because I would like to stay nameless for one and all at the site. I have some plans concerning testing my partner's health state except her knowing. You know, almost a year ago she played me false together with her ex- colleague from work. However I pardoned my love. 'Cause I adore her a whole lot.
Recently I have been reading my online mail and among messages there was an editorial on unfaithfulness. It suggested idea to check a bedmate for STDs in this event.
What can you think, will the website Confidential test for syphilis ( Html match meant for my plans? Maybe, might anyone maintain the same incident? Help me, please.
---End Quote---
I don't think forgiving someone for a wrong doing and then doing something behind their back is grounds for a trustworthy relationship. Not if both parties are prone to lying. Why not just confront her about your concerns for both of your health and see if she is willing to do a test.

After looking at the site you mentioned in your post, I couldn't help noticing the part that says;

"As you see, syphilis can change your life forever, however you are in control to prevent it or stop from developing. Use latex condoms, *household plastic wrap* or a dental dam to protect vagina, penis, anal area or mouth."

I think a site that advices people to use clingfilm or a carry-bag (household plastic wrap) as a condom, should not be trusted to provide you with a genuine STD test kit.
Posted by: misumaru15
On: 08-03-2012 12:12 AM

I see your point souljam. I was following right up to the part you quoted. Condoms are ok and so are dams (we learned about them in health class) but no to cling wrap. Oh wait, snap! I take that back. Cling wrap is advised, seriously. But it has to be a specific type. It must be the nonmicrowave kind. Apparently these lack the microscopic holes that would make it unsafe. It came back to me that we were told that in class.
Posted by: SoulJam
On: 08-03-2012 12:26 AM

---Quote (Originally by misumaru15)---
I see your point souljam. I was following right up to the part you quoted. Condoms are ok and so are dams (we learned about them in health class) but no to cling wrap. Oh wait, snap! I take that back. Cling wrap is advised, seriously. But it has to be a specific type. It must be the nonmicrowave kind. Apparently these lack the microscopic holes that would make it unsafe. It came back to me that we were told that in class.
---End Quote---
I dismissed the site as soon as I read "household plastic wrap." If they had taken a few more seconds to write it up more thoroughly (like you did.) It wouldn't sound so ridiculous to people like me who has never heard of it. Even still, it does still sound ridiculous and I'd rather wait until I bought some condoms rather than hurriedly (those that do use these are obviously in a rampant state. LOL!!) wrapping a microwavable plastic wrap on it.
Posted by: KennyK
On: 08-03-2012 11:33 AM

I think honesty is important here and I'm sure that she would understand this. After all, it's for the health of both of you. Best to just talk open about it. Doing something like that behind her back, would also undermine her trust in you maybe.
Posted by: leyash
On: 08-03-2012 07:03 PM

Be honest with her. Tell her that you need to know that she is not going to give you an illness. Make sure that she is aware that it's not about trust, it's about ensuring that there is nothing harmful being passed around.
Posted by: misumaru15
On: 08-04-2012 12:06 AM

---Quote (Originally by leyash)---
Be honest with her. Tell her that you need to know that she is not going to give you an illness. Make sure that she is aware that it's not about trust, it's about ensuring that there is nothing harmful being passed around.
---End Quote---
That is a good point. He could just state he is concerned about help. Heck make an appointment together and go regularly as part of an overall checkup.

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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