
Thursday, August 16, 2012

"Just Wondering...." update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Just Wondering...." by Farrah, there have been 7 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was derek.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: ThisOldMan
On: 08-15-2012 03:41 AM

---Quote (Originally by nash22)---
Yeah I just ride very still, because I don't want to risk falling and hurting myself. Almost happen to me one time before.
---End Quote---

Ride very still? You mean like petrified-to-death still? Just curious. Do you feel your knees go weak when you ride the escalator? Like suddenly you feel the irresistible urge to just sit down?
Posted by: Amalia
On: 08-15-2012 04:02 AM

---Quote (Originally by ThisOldMan)---
Ride very still? You mean like petrified-to-death still? Just curious. Do you feel your knees go weak when you ride the escalator? Like suddenly you feel the irresistible urge to just sit down?
---End Quote---

We're still talking about this? Ok, let's put an end to this: How to ride an Escalator!
Posted by: bryce12
On: 08-15-2012 10:02 AM

I stand and ride up or down because that's what escalators are meant for. I really hate when people walk up or down the stair on a moving escalator as it can be dangerous not only for themselves but also for others. If I have a choice between stairs and escalators then I usually choose stairs unless I have lots of shopping bags in my hands.
Posted by: SoulJam
On: 08-15-2012 12:44 PM

---Quote (Originally by Farrah)---
When using an escalator, do you:

A: Stand on it and just ride on down
B: Still continue to walk down the stairs while its moving.
C. Try to ride the side rails.
---End Quote---
To me, It's the ultimate ride. I start by walking slowly towards them while turning my cap around to look extra cool and then pretend I'm on a surf board while they take me from A to B about as quickly as a sloth with a bad limp. I then jump the crack at the bottom like I'm leaping over an ice crevasse. All the while finish off eating a sausage roll (its my day off) from greggs the bakers. Once, an old woman stopped me at the bottom of the escalator and said "ooooo, you're tall aren't you. Would you like a job at my house changing lighbulbs?" to which I replied "No, no old woman I wouldn't. I'm holding out for something bigger. I've got plans, ideas. Hanging around a piss drenched bungalow all day waiting for a filament to pop, isn't my idea of a career." I then wiped the sausage roll crumbs off my fingers on a passerbys top and walked on.

This is a truish story!!! :)
Posted by: jovan107
On: 08-15-2012 01:22 PM

I continue to walk down the stairs while the escalator is moving. I only use the escalator if no stairs are available.
Posted by: Pat
On: 08-15-2012 08:32 PM

When I walk up or down I am one of those people that is always in a hurry.
Re: Just Wondering....
Posted by: derek
On: 08-15-2012 11:18 PM

---Quote (Originally by Pat)---
When I walk up or down I am one of those people that is always in a hurry.
---End Quote---

Yeah true...nothing wrong with that either way...sometimes you are in a hurry, sometimes you are not...people will get over it.

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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