
Monday, August 6, 2012

"Obese & Overweight People In Denial?" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Obese & Overweight People In Denial?" by AmazingP, there have been 19 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was Cthulhu.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: Sandra Piddock
On: 07-31-2012 11:39 AM

Yes, that Becky is certainly in denial - even though it's clear to see who ate all the pies in the BB house. They say they're big boned, or that they have glandular trouble, when in fact it's problems with the mouth - they open it wide and cram food into it on a regular basis. I'm heavier than I'd like to be, but I make no excuses for it. It's my fault - nothing to do with my bones, my glands or my genetics. Acknowledging responsibility for your condition is the first step towards addressing it, but the deniers won't admit they have a problem.
Posted by: derek
On: 07-31-2012 02:33 PM

---Quote (Originally by Sandra Piddock)---
Yes, that Becky is certainly in denial - even though it's clear to see who ate all the pies in the BB house. They say they're big boned, or that they have glandular trouble, when in fact it's problems with the mouth - they open it wide and cram food into it on a regular basis. I'm heavier than I'd like to be, but I make no excuses for it. It's my fault - nothing to do with my bones, my glands or my genetics. Acknowledging responsibility for your condition is the first step towards addressing it, but the deniers won't admit they have a problem.
---End Quote---

Somebody please read my should explain it all...
Posted by: streakanime
On: 07-31-2012 11:23 PM

Hm, this is interesting. I will be the first to admit that I'm obese/overweight. Keeping that in mind... knowing that you have a problem and asking for help are too very different things. One of the hardest things in the world is telling someone else that I'm overweight, know that I'm killing myself slowly every day and I don't know how to fix it. Or that I feel trapped in my own body and need help getting out.

Its embarrassing and a very sensitive subject. Like for me... I'm not stupid. I know I'm overweight. But it is not something I want to talk about. It makes me feel bad. Why admit to or talk about something that is only going to make you feel worse? If the person isn't actually trying to help you they usually end up just making you feel bad for complaining about it in the first place.
Posted by: SoulJam
On: 07-31-2012 11:52 PM

---Quote (Originally by shaun)---
There is an obese person on Big Brother UK, she is the typical fat person putting on a front and in denial. She claims to be proud of her weight and has no problem with it, yet she cried when asked to wear a pair of tight trousers and panics when she is leaving the swimming pool. She also says she doesn't care about calories, calories are good for you so long as it isn't fat.

Look up Becky Big Brother and you will see why I hate her.
---End Quote---
I really can't believe it when I see her because It actually looks like a normal woman with a fat suit on. A prosthetic fat suit, especially when she smiles. It looks proper wierd. She looks as though she shouldn't be fat, if that makes any sense. A skinny woman in a fat suit.
Posted by: misumaru15
On: 08-01-2012 12:25 AM

I had to chuckle when I read your avatar Derek. I don't think that everyone needs to be rail thin. I know my boyfriend like chocolate with curves, lol. But curves shouldn't jiggle.
Posted by: derek
On: 08-01-2012 12:26 AM

---Quote (Originally by misumaru15)---
I had to chuckle when I read your avatar Derek. I don't think that everyone needs to be rail thin. I know my boyfriend like chocolate with curves, lol. But curves shouldn't jiggle.
---End Quote---

Me goal is to have everyone either give a crap or have everyone be willing to take advice...we'll get there...
Posted by: Cthulhu
On: 08-01-2012 01:34 AM

---Quote (Originally by streakanime)---
Hm, this is interesting. I will be the first to admit that I'm obese/overweight. Keeping that in mind... knowing that you have a problem and asking for help are too very different things. One of the hardest things in the world is telling someone else that I'm overweight, know that I'm killing myself slowly every day and I don't know how to fix it. Or that I feel trapped in my own body and need help getting out.

Its embarrassing and a very sensitive subject. Like for me... I'm not stupid. I know I'm overweight. But it is not something I want to talk about. It makes me feel bad. Why admit to or talk about something that is only going to make you feel worse? If the person isn't actually trying to help you they usually end up just making you feel bad for complaining about it in the first place.
---End Quote---

You shouldn't be so afraid to talk about it. Not as many people will be mean about it as you think. And anyone that would make fun of you or put you down if you're putting in an effort and asking for help isn't worth knowing anyway.

Getting in shape really isn't very difficult. I can tell you EXACTLY how to do it - and do it fairly painlessly. The first 2-4 weeks are the hardest and this is often when people quit. This is also the amount of time it takes to start seeing and feeling results. IF you stick with it for a month you'll actually start to ENJOY it - not only enjoy working out but also looking in the mirror and seeing results every week. You'll also start to lose your taste for the bad foods you currently eat. It isn't only looking better either - but FEELING better.......inside and out. More energy, better moods..........and imagine not being ashamed to go out in a swimsuit or talk about your weight any longer. Doesn't that sound GREAT? It's a fairly simple process that just takes some dedication on your part. Any excuses are just that.......excuses. Everyone has the same amount of willpower and resolve - some people just choose not to use it.

If you're interested, feel free to PM me or post here at the forum and I'd be happy to walk you through the steps required to lose weight and get healthy. I'M MORE THAN HAPPY TO HELP YOU if you're willing to put the effort in.
Posted by: cbjones
On: 08-01-2012 09:55 PM

I know I had no idea just how unhealthy I was before I started looking into what my ideal weight was. I think my bmi was like 48%. That may be an inaccurate way to to gauge fitness for those who pack on muscle, but for a lot of people the numbers are probably pretty damn accurate. I know I was all flab back then.
Posted by: shaun
On: 08-02-2012 06:45 AM

The fat girl on Big Brother is classic! She mentioned something about respect and one of her foes responded by saying you should respect your BMI. She went crazy, said he was a disgusting man bla bla bla. She has since been crying for two days because of his comment. All this after saying she is proud of her weight, haha.
Posted by: derek
On: 08-02-2012 11:09 AM

---Quote (Originally by shaun)---
The fat girl on Big Brother is classic! She mentioned something about respect and one of her foes responded by saying you should respect your BMI. She went crazy, said he was a disgusting man bla bla bla. She has since been crying for two days because of his comment. All this after saying she is proud of her weight, haha.
---End Quote---

I will never understand how anyone that obese can be proud of their is all a farce, everything she says, to cover up letting out how she truly feels about her current body image.
Posted by: misumaru15
On: 08-02-2012 12:05 PM

Now I don't want to be as skinny as I used to be pre children. I was only 105 pounds. I want to get down to 160 from my current weight. I'm not so keen on some sites and calculations that tell me I need to be 110 pounds to be healthy. I also agree that the girl's crying for two days is really telling of her true feelings. She is trying to deny that she is too big.
Posted by: leyash
On: 08-02-2012 10:25 PM

I think a lot of people want to deny how they feel about their weight. It's hard for a lot of people these days because weight plays a big part in social lives for some people.
Posted by: plover
On: 08-03-2012 01:27 AM

---Quote (Originally by derek)---
I will never understand how anyone that obese can be proud of their is all a farce, everything she says, to cover up letting out how she truly feels about her current body image.
---End Quote---

There really are many people that are 100% confident in their overweight disgusting bodies. There's even a community for men who love obese women, where women will PUT on weight on purpose to get bigger. It's quite a disgusting and unhealthy community which promotes terrible lifestyles.
Posted by: Cthulhu
On: 08-03-2012 03:07 AM

---Quote (Originally by plover)---
There really are many people that are 100% confident in their overweight disgusting bodies. There's even a community for men who love obese women, where women will PUT on weight on purpose to get bigger. It's quite a disgusting and unhealthy community which promotes terrible lifestyles.
---End Quote---

Those people are delusional - they have a mental disorder.........
Posted by: Cthulhu
On: 08-03-2012 03:08 AM

---Quote (Originally by derek)---
Me goal is to have everyone either give a crap or have everyone be willing to take advice...we'll get there...
---End Quote---

No we won't, LoL. The world is in a tailspin........
Posted by: shaun
On: 08-03-2012 08:20 AM

---Quote (Originally by plover)---
There really are many people that are 100% confident in their overweight disgusting bodies. There's even a community for men who love obese women, where women will PUT on weight on purpose to get bigger. It's quite a disgusting and unhealthy community which promotes terrible lifestyles.
---End Quote---

The feeders like grotesquely fat women, that doesn't mean the women like to be grotesquely fat. It is a strange phenomenon, I don't understand why a man would want to make a woman fat and sick, it is twisted!
Posted by: leyash
On: 08-03-2012 07:01 PM

---Quote (Originally by shaun)---
The feeders like grotesquely fat women, that doesn't mean the women like to be grotesquely fat. It is a strange phenomenon, I don't understand why a man would want to make a woman fat and sick, it is twisted!
---End Quote---

So no one else will want them? So they feel like they have power/control?
Posted by: derek
On: 08-03-2012 10:00 PM

---Quote (Originally by Cthulhu)---
No we won't, LoL. The world is in a tailspin........
---End Quote---

Posted by: Cthulhu
On: 08-04-2012 05:07 AM

---Quote (Originally by derek)---
---End Quote---

C'mon, really? With the rate things are going expecting a change is simply deluding yourself, LoL.

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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