
Monday, August 6, 2012

"Senseless dieting" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Senseless dieting" by hunysukle, there have been 4 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was derek.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: melapie
On: 08-04-2012 09:03 PM

Back in college, I tried diet pills. I lost a lot of weight after a month or two, but then I was told about the damage that it could do to my liver. So I stopped. Then all the weight that I lost, went back after a few months. It was senseless because it's very unsafe and very unhealthy. I can just imagine the kinds of drugs that they put in there to suppress one's appetite.
Posted by: derek
On: 08-04-2012 10:45 PM

---Quote (Originally by melapie)---
Back in college, I tried diet pills. I lost a lot of weight after a month or two, but then I was told about the damage that it could do to my liver. So I stopped. Then all the weight that I lost, went back after a few months. It was senseless because it's very unsafe and very unhealthy. I can just imagine the kinds of drugs that they put in there to suppress one's appetite.
---End Quote---

Yeah. Typically, as you found out, it is best to adopt an intense workout and strict diet plan pre weight loss pills introduction. That way you have a good base for burning fat and building muscle before having to rely on diet let's you use them for their true purpose of supplementation instead of relying on them to do the work for you...which, in the grand scheme of things, they do not.
Posted by: misumaru15
On: 08-05-2012 12:16 AM

I think this is often the problem with the pills. Majority of people using them sometimes have great results. They're always on the lookout for new pills as some are removed from the market. They never learn to eat properly or workout and they regain the weight and then some.
Posted by: derek
On: 08-05-2012 01:00 AM

---Quote (Originally by misumaru15)---
I think this is often the problem with the pills. Majority of people using them sometimes have great results. They're always on the lookout for new pills as some are removed from the market. They never learn to eat properly or workout and they regain the weight and then some.
---End Quote---

Yup. It is great for the supplement industry though...there are weight loss pills that do a fantastic job in aiding with weight is only when we rely on them as a crutch that they become virtually worthless...

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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