
Monday, September 24, 2012

"Constant fatigue" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Constant fatigue" by Hedonologist, there have been 8 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was Pat.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: TJenkins602
On: 09-17-2012 03:12 PM

---Quote (Originally by derek)---
The diet should be adjusted first...all sugars should be eliminated as well as a reduction in carbs in general on non-workout days...protein should be increased along with fibrous vegetables and overall water intake. If those things are practiced religiously and still fail to relieve over constant fatigue, schedule a trip to your doctor.
---End Quote---

I wholeheartedly agree with you. I personally believe that your diet should be checked first.(A lot of times people who lack energy eat a lot of junk food and little healthier foods) A lot of people have tried to tell me otherwise (Ignore diet, see a doctor, get medicated). I personally call them "pharma-junkies" LOL!!! Anyway, I ignored it and went with the diet change. So far so good.
Re: Constant fatigue
Posted by: derek
On: 09-17-2012 03:36 PM

---Quote (Originally by TJenkins602)---
I wholeheartedly agree with you. I personally believe that your diet should be checked first.(A lot of times people who lack energy eat a lot of junk food and little healthier foods) A lot of people have tried to tell me otherwise (Ignore diet, see a doctor, get medicated). I personally call them "pharma-junkies" LOL!!! Anyway, I ignored it and went with the diet change. So far so good.
---End Quote---

Good to hear...not everyone realizes how massive of a difference correcting the diet makes in regards to energy, vitality, hormones, is one of the most important areas of bodily upkeep.
Posted by: Brook Pratt
On: 09-17-2012 03:39 PM

Have you had your thyroid checked? I've experienced extreme fatigue also and my doctor always checks my thyroid. It always checks out normal! I've tried cutting sugar out of my diet and also taking B vitamins. This has helped. Good luck to you! I can sympathize with you for sure!
Re: Constant fatigue
Posted by: derek
On: 09-17-2012 03:46 PM

---Quote (Originally by Brook Pratt)---
Have you had your thyroid checked? I've experienced extreme fatigue also and my doctor always checks my thyroid. It always checks out normal! I've tried cutting sugar out of my diet and also taking B vitamins. This has helped. Good luck to you! I can sympathize with you for sure!
---End Quote---

Good call. Energy and weight loss issues can occasionally occur because of improper thyroid functioning...that is another variable to get check out with your doctor via bloodwork before drawing any conclusions about constant fatigue.
Posted by: Brook Pratt
On: 09-18-2012 12:31 AM

---Quote (Originally by derek)---
Good call. Energy and weight loss issues can occasionally occur because of improper thyroid functioning...that is another variable to get check out with your doctor via bloodwork before drawing any conclusions about constant fatigue.
---End Quote---

I was actually hoping my thyroid test would come back abnormal just to have an answer for fatigue. I realize fatigue is something many women struggle with but I am sick of being tired. I usually try to ignore it but that's not always possible. I have an appointment with a PA (Physician Assistant) who specializes in natural hormones and fatigue. Maybe she can help! Here's hoping!
Posted by: angie828
On: 09-19-2012 03:08 PM

---Quote (Originally by Hedonologist)---
In recent weeks I have had an urge to nap every day at about 4pm and I have been falling asleep for about 2 hours. I have not increased my energy levels and am getting 7 hours of sleep at night, so I cannot see an explanation for it. Any advice would be greatley appreciated
---End Quote---
Maybe you have sleep apnea? I would get to the doctor and see if maybe you are stopping breathing at night and that is why you are so tired during the day.
Posted by: Brook Pratt
On: 09-19-2012 03:47 PM

---Quote (Originally by angie828)---
Maybe you have sleep apnea? I would get to the doctor and see if maybe you are stopping breathing at night and that is why you are so tired during the day.
---End Quote---
Hadn't thought of that! I read about it and I'm not overweight as is common with sleep apnea but it doesn't mean it's not possible. I'll ask my doctor about it when I go in next visit. Thanks!
Posted by: Pat
On: 09-19-2012 04:31 PM

Have you changed your diet lately? You may not be getting enough protein or even something as simple as some exercise. Go to the doctor as soon as you can.

All the best,
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