
Monday, September 24, 2012

"Do you remember the pre Ipod era?" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Do you remember the pre Ipod era?" by KDUB777, there have been 6 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was mixedchalk.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: DwaHow
On: 09-21-2012 09:04 PM

I had a Sony Walkman cassette player and a Sony Walkman CD player.It was a real pain carrying a little bag full of CD's and tapes.
Posted by: Euterpe
On: 09-22-2012 02:39 AM

Ahh, yes. I remember the good ol` days of the walkman. Had to slap the thing around a few times to get it to work properly.
Posted by: Esperahol
On: 09-22-2012 03:18 AM

Sure, I made mix tapes and mixed cds. I got a Walkman for one birthday and a Sony Discman for another. I still have both of them... and I still listen to discs, tapes, and sometimes records on my phonograph. Seriously, I got this thing for Christmas that plays records, tapes, radio, cds, and can have a mp3 plugged in. It is the best gift ever and I have named it Theodore for the greatest president evah!
Posted by: R. Paradon
On: 09-22-2012 04:53 AM

Guess I have seen them all!

My Grandmothers RCA Victrola which had to cranked up every few minutes to play one sided 78 rpm records.

My parents radio which had tubes inside and took a little time to warm up.

My first portable transistor radio. Only had am stations.

Our first BIG combo radio/record player with stereo and a record of trains moving and airplanes landing!

And the list goes on and on!
Posted by: ghanashyam
On: 09-22-2012 05:17 AM

Yes, I can remember them. Some 20 years back, there were cassette players, then came the portable walkman cassette players. Then came the huge CD players and then tiny small digital CD players and then Ipad. I do have some cassette still lying in the cupboard, but there is no cassette player available in the market.
Before cassette players, there were Long Record players and then there were also SPOOL players. You will not see anything of therse now a days.
Posted by: mixedchalk
On: 09-22-2012 07:27 AM

Not only do I not remember the pre iPod era, I can't even imagine it.... I've got a collection of vinyl records, and a big CD collection. I can't even imagine how many of my CDs I would have had to carry around to equal what I can hold on my iPod.

All the best,
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