
Monday, September 17, 2012

"Introduction Guidelines [MUST READ]" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Introduction Guidelines [MUST READ]" by radascars, there have been 2 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was derek.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: Sabrina89
On: 09-10-2012 11:00 PM

Hello everyone! I am excited to be a member of this forum. I have started a journey to live a more healthier lifestyle. I am sure that I will be able to learn great information here.
Re: Introduction Guidelines [MUST READ]
Posted by: derek
On: 09-10-2012 11:51 PM

---Quote (Originally by Sabrina89)---
Hello everyone! I am excited to be a member of this forum. I have started a journey to live a more healthier lifestyle. I am sure that I will be able to learn great information here.
---End Quote---

Thank you for joining the SHS forums, Sabrina...may your journey to a healthier lifestyle continue here with us...

All the best,
Smart Health Shop Forum

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