
Monday, September 24, 2012

"Liquid Clen - CEM Products" update

Dear derek,

You are subscribed to the thread "Liquid Clen - CEM Products" by derek, there have been 7 post(s) to this thread, the last poster was derek.

These following posts were made to the thread:
Posted by: derek
On: 09-17-2012 09:48 PM

---Quote (Originally by Rebelution)---
I was always under the impression that clen is already a very strong bronchodilator. Doesn't clen have a few dangerous issues when used in the long run like DNP?
---End Quote---

I am not aware of the long term issues and I certainly cycle off of clen...I was only on a couple month cycle and will be completely out here again in a week. Which long term issues (same as DNP) are you specifically referring to in regards to clenbuterol? I am interested in learning more if you could elaborate...
Posted by: Rebelution
On: 09-17-2012 10:34 PM

---Quote (Originally by derek)---
I am not aware of the long term issues and I certainly cycle off of clen...I was only on a couple month cycle and will be completely out here again in a week. Which long term issues (same as DNP) are you specifically referring to in regards to clenbuterol? I am interested in learning more if you could elaborate...
---End Quote---

I would have to find the post where it was talked about extensively on another site. From what I do recall it altered, over a significant time frame mind you, T4 and T3 and would cause issues for the person using it. Though that may have been aimed at people who abused it, such as some Australians who like to make names for themselves.
Re: Liquid Clen - CEM Products
Posted by: derek
On: 09-18-2012 12:18 AM

---Quote (Originally by Rebelution)---
I would have to find the post where it was talked about extensively on another site. From what I do recall it altered, over a significant time frame mind you, T4 and T3 and would cause issues for the person using it. Though that may have been aimed at people who abused it, such as some Australians who like to make names for themselves.
---End Quote---

Lol. Yeah find that site and link it up if you would...I would be interested in reading it. And I certainly don't intend on using clen for more than a 6 week cycle at a time with at least 6 weeks off in hopefully I won't be having T3 issues from the use of it.
Posted by: Jatelo2
On: 09-18-2012 06:17 AM

So from the above response you are still going to give a link with further details or what? I'm eager to contribute on this but wouldn't want to be irrelevant!
Re: Liquid Clen - CEM Products
Posted by: derek
On: 09-18-2012 09:37 AM

---Quote (Originally by Jatelo2)---
So from the above response you are still going to give a link with further details or what? I'm eager to contribute on this but wouldn't want to be irrelevant!
---End Quote---

Well yes, but you have to give him time to can't only give someone a couple hours and then expect them to respond immediately...we can give him a few days to post the link.
Posted by: nlman3
On: 09-20-2012 10:16 PM

Derek, I just bought some Clen....How did u dose it? All at once of spread out throughout the day?
Re: Liquid Clen - CEM Products
Posted by: derek
On: 09-20-2012 10:57 PM

---Quote (Originally by nlman3)---
Derek, I just bought some Clen....How did u dose it? All at once of spread out throughout the day?
---End Quote---

Nice. Clen is quite powerful and may give you a lot of energy out of the gate. I still dosed it all at once because I wanted to take it in the morning since it gives a lot of energy over the next 8 hours.

I started with 20 - 25 mL (40 - 50 mcg) and slowly dosed up to 50 mL gradually over the next 3 weeks. All at once though, and within an hour of waking up.

Hey, let me know your progress with the clen!

All the best,
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