Sunday, December 16, 2012

Arthritis and Acupuncture...

I like thousands of elderly have rhuematoid arthritis in all of my major joints. I have been under an arthritis specialist's care for over five years now who has prescribed seven medications that I have to take every day in the morning and two of the seven in the evening. Granted the meds. help a great deal but I thought I would give acupuncture a try. I wasn't disappointed. Not only did it not hurt the after effects on my joints was quite apparent. There was less pain and more freedom of movement. The only down side was the cost of acupuncture versus the medicine cost I currently have. The meds. were less cost wise than the acupuncture. What would YOU do if you had to make this decision?I like thousands of elderly have rhuematoid arthritis in all of my major joints. I have been under an arthritis specialist's care for over five years now who has prescribed seven medications that I have to take every day in the morning and two of the seven in the evening. Granted the meds. help a great deal but I thought I would give acupuncture a try. I wasn't disappointed. Not only did it not hurt the after effects on my joints was quite apparent. There was less pain and more freedom of movement. The only down side was the cost of acupuncture versus the medicine cost I currently have. The meds. were less cost wise than the acupuncture. What would YOU do if you had to make this decision?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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