
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Digital Clock Work-out

I saw this one on Pinterest, so I thought I would share it here :) It's called the Digital Clock workout and there is a list of exercises to do depending on what time it is.

The exercises are listed 1-0 as follows:

1. Squats

2. Crunches

3. Russian Twists

4. Leg Lifts

5.Seconds of Plank

6. Jumping Jacks

7.Wall Push-ups

8.Reverse Crunches


0. High Knees

So for example, if it was 09:23 am or something you would do 92 Russian Twists (YIKES).

The first 3 numbers of the time (092) is the number of reps and the last number is the corresponding workout. I feel like 92 Russian Twists is an awful lot though lol, so I would probably substitute other exercises in place of the ones that just suck :) Let me know what you guys end up doing!

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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