
Thursday, January 24, 2013

50 ways to stay energized

  1. Try to get enough sleep during the night.

  2. Stick to regular sleep and wake up timings.

  3. Begin your day with exercise. The benefit of the exercise will last the whole day.

  4. Taking a shower in the morning will remove drowsiness from your body and mind.

  5. Make your day by reading something inspirational.

  6. Complete the most difficult task in the morning when you feel fresh and energetic.

  7. Break down a complicated job into smaller and simpler tasks. You will gain a sense of accomplishment.

  8. Indulge in a little snack or a nap when you feel you deserve a reward.

  9. Chat with a colleague or call a friend when you are bored and tired with work.

  10. Use your creativity in little things every day.

  11. Try to get excited or inspired by at least one thing a day.

  12. You will get energized when you do something you really like doing.

  13. Have pets; they will never fail to perk you up.

  14. Good lighting will make you feel more inclined to work and stay awake.

  15. You will not feel energetic if you do not take care to dress well every day.

  16. Stay away from negative people and negative thoughts.

  17. Get yourself checked for anemia or thyroid and diabetes.

  18. Try not to remain seated for a very long time.

  19. Nothing makes you feel good instantly like a good laugh.

  20. Try to do something good for someone at least once a day. You will good instantly.

  21. Write down your tasks or chores. Try to plan things beforehand.

  22. Practice breathing exercises.

  23. Eat moderate meals, three times a day.

  24. Avoid too much caffeine. Substitute it with green tea.

  25. Keep yourself hydrated.

  26. If you feel sleepy, wash your face or have a mint.

  27. Practice meditation.

  28. Exercise your brain.

  29. Avoid watching too much television.

  30. Volunteer for some social work at least once a week.

  31. Get some sunlight every day.

  32. Do not get addicted to electronic gadgets.

  33. Listen to good music to calm your nerves.

  34. Work in cool and well ventilated areas.

  35. Control your anger. Smile more often.

  36. Snack on nuts and fruits.

  37. Avoid eating junk food.

  38. Do not follow crash diets.

  39. Include vitamins if needed.

  40. Grow plants and keep in touch with nature.

  41. Slow down your pace.

  42. Try to walk or bike to places.

  43. Avoid too much sugar and salt.

  44. Try to eat fresh vegetables.

  45. Balance work and pleasure.

  46. Get help from family or friends if you feel down.

  47. Avoid binge eating.

  48. Control your alcohol consumption.

  49. Don’t complain about everything.

  50. Compliment people genuinely.

They're not all about diet and exercise, but quite a few are, so try to add some more into your daily life.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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