
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Qualities that annoy you

I was talking to a young man today and he seemed to come up with excuses for everything that has happened in his life.. The fact that he is directionless and disorganized didn't matter to him at all, he kind of blamed his parents, his girl friend and everyone possible for all his failings. The fact that he wouldn't take responsibility for his life annoyed me so much that I found it difficult to continue the conversation any further..

This is one quality that annoys me most in others.. Do you get annoyed by some traits in others..

[Well don't ask tell me why is it your concern... it is my job. I sometimes have to listen to such talk for hours on end... :/ I could easily react negatively to such talk if I wasn't trained to shut up and listen and speak only when I need too.. ]

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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