
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Evening Primrose Oil, What Is It Good For?

It is said this wild plant has many benifits in helping prevent diaeases. What is in Evening Primrose oil that would make a health difference in your body, you might ask?

It is the richest natural source of essential fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid. Another main source of this acid is in mother's milk. Our bodies produce another fatty acid called linoleic acid, but use of some foods can block it's production. Such as diets high in saturated fats and drinking lots of alcohol. And inadequate intakes of zinc and magnesium, vitamin B 6. Taking Evening Primrose can help in these areas.

Many studies say that taking Evening Primrose oil capsules may help with protection against blood clots and arthritis, schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis, due to the fact that primrose oil stimulants the body to manufacture prostaglandin E1, a hormone like substance present in every organ in our body. This acid helps provide the natural function of our organs and helps with cell-repair and immunity issues.

It may also help with circulatory problems and eczema and brittle nails.

It should be noted that if you have a seizure disorder use of Evening Primrose is not advised, because it could cause seizures.

Evening Primrose is a wild plant that gets long spikes of beautiful yellow flowers that open in the evening hours. Its seeds are small, and contain an oil that is a valuable source of polyunsaturated fats.

So what do you think? Please share your opinions on the use of this natural supplement.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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