
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hit the wall...and bounced off it.

Okay, so I only needed to lose 10-15 pounds, so when I hit about the 7-8 lb mark, it was no surprise that I hit a bit of a wall for a few weeks. You know that spot where you don't have that much farther to go and it just holds steady for a while?

Well I'm acquainted with that wall and I've bust through it before. This time, though, I appear to have not only hit the wall, but instead of the weight going ahead and coming off, I'm starting to put weight back on.

Now before you say that it's muscle and that the numbers don't mean anything, it's not.... my jeans are getting tighter again and a mirror shows that my efforts are fading away.

The numbers above may not seem like much, but considering I'm under 5 foot and a female, 5 pounds shows a lot on me...10-15 pounds can take me from looking great to looking quite rough. And none of the above budges very quickly or easily. It's quite frustrating!

So it looks like it's back to the drawing board for me and those workouts that were seemingly helpful before are going to have double. Ew.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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