
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pesticides and Health Problems

I have read a lot in the news lately about the link between the use of pesticides and severe health problems.

It seems that low-dose exposure can cause suppressed immune system function and acquired allergy tendencys with hives and other inflammatory processes, and sensitivity to minute amounts of certain chemicals. Neurotoxicity symptoms include dizziness and tingling sensations, numbness and diminished coordination, speech problems and weakness, fatigue and nerve, and muscle problems and even personality disorders.

These symtoms are found to occur long after pesticides were thought to have been excreted from the body.

In a recent ACRES magazine, it is said that researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the Parkinson's Institute and Clinical Center, in Sunnyvale, California;

have discovered a link between the use of pesticides, rotenone and paraquat, and Parkinson's disease.

I found this information to be interesting, as to an experience I had while walking with a friend in Florida. We came around the block and suddenly I smelled a pesticide of some type and both of my eyes started burning and I was almost half blind. I had to go home and wash my eyes with cold water.

My friend did not have any reaction at all.

What do you think about this? Please share your opinion.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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