
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Time-Traveling Is A Natural Life Game

If that by some freaky natural disaster you were moved back in time over night and when you awoke in the morning much to your surprize you were not in your warm comfortable bed, but instead sleeping on a pile of leaves and the middle of a forest, what would you do?

If for your own sake lets say you did know some basic survival skills, such as how to trap game or fashion some crude hunting tools, and be able to recognize some edible plants. And for modesty sake you fell asleep in your clothes the night before thus sparing you the need to hunt for suitable coverings.

The second thing that might get your attention is your stomach growling, ah, breakfast. But wait a minute, there is no eggs and toast, and coffee. No cornflakes or oatmeal, sausage or pancakes, bacon or danish. No milk or sugar. You might start thinking a big juicy beef steak would taste good, but wait there is generally no such thing as a steer running around in the wild.

Getting hungry and realizing this isn't a dream, you get busy and make some traps and catch a few wild birds and a rabbit. You figure out a way to start a fire and roast them on the spot and eat practically everything and chew on the cartilage and bones. And you build a shelter before night fall.

For a vegetable you look for edible plants like purslane or dandelions. If the season is right you would stuff yourself with berries of every kind and color. Edible herbs like violet leaves and plantain might be eaten everyday. Then on to the hickory and beech nut trees. If lucky you might find chestnuts to roast over your camfire.

In the days that follow meat will come in the form of quail and rabbits, groundhogs and possum, maybe a turtle and if lucky fresh fish or a deer. With cooler weather you make use of any fruits or extra meats by drying them over your campfire. During the winter you would be hungry and cold, until spring time arrived and new succulent sprouts popped out of the ground.

So what is this little fantasy time travel journery really about? What makes this significance is not the importance of eating man-made foods, but from a standpoint, a view of mankinds orginal natural diet and that if more items on our menu's were natural organic foods and were eaten on a regular basis we might be able to have less illness and suffering in our lives. And you also would be prepared in the case of a natural or man-made disaster, with knowledge and being stocked up and prepared to out last any event.

I am not saying we should run out and start killing the animals in the forest, but if you were in a survial mode it might be your only choice. By the time you got to the grocery store the shelves might be bare and you would have to go home empty-handed.

By knowing survival methods and learning about the wild plants and animals that provide vitamins and minerals at a greater scale then commerically grown products, you will live longer than your uninformed neighbors.

Examples of this include a wild rabbit has 76 grams of protein, per pound and 18 grams of fat. The domestic rabbit has 75 grams of protein, but 29 grams per pound of fat.

Crayfish have 66.2 in protein and clams have 57.2 in protein, turtles have 89.8 and venison has 95 grams per pound of protein and 18 grams of fat.

The greens you ate in the fantasy time travel provided lots of vitamin A and C, iron and calcium, plus lots of vital trace minerals and lots of good fiber. The berries supplied vitamin C and bioflavonoids. And the nuts gave you lots of unsaturated oils and protein, minerals and more good fiber.

So the food you ate was high in protein and high in vitamins and minerals, and contained very little fat, no sugar, no salt, no caffeine, no cola, no chocolate, and no cereal grains unless you found some growing wild. You drank no milk and no eggs unless you found wild bird eggs.

While the need to feed off the wild may be a short lived adventure, the need to eat good healthy foods is in our best interests to maintain good health and live long happy lives. Think about what this story is saying to you personally and then share your comments here.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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