
Friday, February 22, 2013

What To Look For In Walking Shoes

How many of us just put on a pair of shoes and go walking, without first figuring out the kind of shoe needed to provide foot comfort and stability. Sure we go to a store and tell the clerk what we want and they pick out a style and if it fits we buy it and wear it until we wear it out. Sometimes we get lucky with a certain brand and do not develop sore feet. But other times the fast pick at the store has us limping in a week. Here are some walking shoe buying tips:

Ankle collar: Padded for comfort

Tongue: Echances the fit.

Heel: Stiffens back of the shoe for stability

Upper: Made of soft, breathable material that adds support

Insole: Adds cushioning and arch support

Midsole: Cushioning material that absorbs the impact of foot hitting ground.

Outsole: Provides traction

Toe Box: Wide enough for toes to spread as you walk and long enough so that there's a 1/2 inch space in front of your longest toe.

A friend sent this to me and I thought it was interesting to share the parts of a shoe.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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