
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Dealing with Jealous Friends

I have two friends in my life that make me feel guilty for being happy. Whenever something amazing happens in my life, they are usually the "debbie-downers" that try to burst my little bubble. I can especially feel their jealousy when it comes to mine and my husband's relationship. These two female friends are unmarried and just dating around but they want so badly to settle down. When I told them I was getting engaged, they both distanced themselves from me and I knew exactly the reason why. They couldn't find it in their hearts to be happy for me

Aside from the jealousy issues, they really are great friends (I know, this is probably hard to believe). I learned how to deal with their moody behavior by just not sharing the happy moments of my life with them. Has anyone else dealt with these type of friends?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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