
Thursday, March 28, 2013

How Would You React To A Person That Has Been Lying To You?

Well, I get annoyed at people who can't admit simple mistakes and would lie to death about not being responsible for something small. From my experience, the same people would lie to death about big things, because they can't even admit their small mistakes, so how much more the big ones right? I also don't like people who distort the truth just because of their own personal bias against you. If I found out that they are lying then I will not hesitate to tell it to them that I know they are lying, and I would engage in an argument if necessary to prove their fallacies. How about how? How do you react if someone lies to you? Do you fight back and expose what you know, like you confront them or you just pretend that you believe them, but in fact it's the exact opposite just to avoid a confrontation?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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