
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Public Property

Growing up, I was involved in a few different fandoms. One of the fandoms that I was involved with was the Skins fandom, Skins is a British teenage drama. There was one point where a fan had hacked into some of the cast's facebook profiles and had saved all of the pictures. They then proceeded to post personal pictures of the cast members and family all over tumblr.

Eventually, quite a popular member of the cast made her own blog on tumblr and made a post about how the whole ordeal was effecting her life. She then asked all those involved to stop posting these private pictures of her all over the internet.

A few fans responded and told her that if she didn't want her pictures all over the internet, then she shouldn't have put the pictures up on Facebook to begin with, which I thought was stupid because those facebooks were set to private

I couldn't believe the audacity of the fans who seemed to think that they were entitled to a piece of these cast members just because they'd seen them on television.

What is your stance on it? Do you think that celebrities shouldn't use the internet for anything personal, or do you think that the fans should learn how to control their creepy and invasive urges?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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