
Saturday, March 30, 2013

What is the funniest thing you've seen happen in public?

About 6 years ago I was the passenger in the car with my grandfather and we were sitting at a red light on a hill going down. We had our windows open because it was a really nice day, suddenly we heard "Wooooooooooo! Yeeeaaaahh!" coming from behind us. We both turned in our seats and saw a very old looking man in a wheel chair flying down the hill on the sidewalk with his arms up in the air, occasionally reaching down to push his wheels for more momentum. Then a woman who appeared to be in her 50's came into view and she was yelling "Stop this right now George! This is not funny!" while attempting to chase him. The light turned green so we just continued to go, I do not know what happened to Geoge after that.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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