
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Has anyone ever just...left?

What I mean is just decide to pack a few things and head on out with no destination in mind, or any limits as to how far you'll go.

I don't mean leaving as in running from something, or neglecting things. I mean leaving just for the sake of an adventure. To get away and experience something new, yet simpler than the usual grind. I think it would be a healthy experience, if done carefully.

I also don't mean jumping into a car and zipping around visiting people or familiar places. I would like to either just walk, ride a bicycle, or ride a street-legal scooter (150cc or greater). Or, maybe a 50cc scooter would be enough, but you couldn't get on certain roadways with it.

I seriously want to do this sometime this year. I think I will be smart and do some serious researching first so I don't set out as a fool and get myself into bad situations.

I'm reading a book called One Million Steps, about a man that hiked from Florida to Quebec (I think). It's a book that I pick up every now and then, so it's taking a while to get through it, but it's very interesting. A bit too adventurous for me to actually do the same thing, though.

Anyway, has anyone done something like this? Any tips?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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