
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lemongrass helps prevent cancer, fungal infection infection and mosquito bite


I grew up in the Southeast Asia, and lemongrass was often one of the most common herbs on my grandmother's kitchen table. We used lemongrass in soups, for seafood marinades and in curries. It was also a traditional mosquito repellent and we grew lemongrass in our garden to keep out the mosquitoes.

If we had fungal skin infections, we used to rub the juice from lemongrass stems onto the infected area and within days, it would clear.

Recently I read an article regarding potential anticancer properties in lemongrass essential oil.

Lemongrass Essential Oil Studied for Anti-Cancer Effects

Lemongrass is available in most Asian supermarkets in the US and Europe. It can be cooked in dozens of ways. Now it seems it has powerful healing properties too.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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