
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Losing my motivation

I am goal oriented and it has served me really well all this time, almost 3 years now. I have lost a ton of weight, not that I don't feel I have more to go, I work out regularly, I eat healthy and have given up most of my vices. I am currently having issues motivating myself. I am to the last 15 pound mark, I have changed up my routines, changed my walking scenery, different playlists, different everything and it seems I just have a serious case of the blah's when it comes to work out time.

Is this the norm? Is it just me or does everyone get this way? I need to snap out of it and I am sure that I will but wow this is the first time this has hit me in this process and it has been a very, very long process. So close to the finish but if I am this close and feel the blahs I have to figure it out now because I need to keep it up regardless.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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