
Monday, April 15, 2013

Sexualizing children

I would like to know how and why society can so adamantly condemn pedophiles for seeking out little girls when children, namely little girls are so overly sexualized? It is a massive contradiction in my opinion. Let's not make any mistake, I do not think that pedophiles are morally right. They are wrong and having sex with children is downright disgusting to me.

But you also have to beg the question of as to why little girls are so sexualized, especially in the media, and as we all know, what is depicted in the media, over and over again, tends to become reality, and it has with little girls wanting to wear make-up, dress up in heels and wanting to wear push up bras when they do not need push up bras. When these pedophiles strike, people are absolutely appalled, and it is appaling, but I don't think that it should be that much of a surprise. These pedophiles already have a preference for little girls, whether they are sexualized or not. Sexualizing little girls they way that society does will just make their urges more intense. It is common consensus that children are off limits sexually, and then they are paraded around in next to nothing on television and sometimes movies, and on magazine covers.

It's very worrying.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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