
Friday, May 31, 2013

Academics Or Street Smarts

I was one of the smartest kids in my school, in both primary school and secondary school which merely meant that I was good at hearing something at one time and then regurgitating it well when it came to taking exams and tests and whatever. I don't feel as though I was truly using my brain. I was being told something - even when it was a lie, specifically in Science - and then if I didn't cough that info up on the exams, then I was told that I was going to be nothing in life and that I would get no job and all of that good stuff, which i never believed.

I have a lot of personality, and I am very astute when it comes to people. I know people very well, which might be why I prefer to be alone most of the time, but nevertheless I am street smart and have people skills, because I am a master at reading people.

I feel people skills is more important than the academic, without a single doubt.

What do you think?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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