
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Make-Up or No Make-Up?

I suppose this question pertains to the men that frequent this forum, but women will most likely have something to add to it too.

I want to talk about make-up. When asked whether they prefer women with or without it, a lot of people will say that they prefer women without it to appear tolerant and accepting, when really that is not the case. Others will just come out and say that they prefer women with make-up. Others will say that they don't and mean it.

My opinion on the matter is that some women really need make-up to enhance them and others really don't. I have seen girls that were stunning with make-up and then they take it off and I am left wondering where that stunner vanished off to. Then there are girls that aren't wearing any that are absolutely stunning and leave me drooling lol.

What do you think? Make-up or no make-up?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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