
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Explaining Homosexuality To Children

So most kids, by the time that you can tease them about having a boyfriend or a girlfriend in school, know by now that it is traditionally supposed to be a man and a woman sharing a home, and building a life together. If they see anything other than that, then they most often grimace in confusion and ask what the hell is going on.

I am a lesbian. I see my three younger siblings every day, except for when they all go on holiday and I stay at home, free lol. But yes, they will make jokes sometimes. Say a guy comes on TV then my eight-year-old sister will insinuate that I love him, or that she loves him or whatever. The other siblings will laugh because I think they already sense that that would be something that is unnatural for me. BUT they can't put their finger on what it is about the situation that is unnatural. They just know that it is so they make a joke out of it. Kids are smarter than they give themselves credit for, I tell you lol.

I have told them in passing before that sometimes two men or two women love each other and get married, but it didn't sink in.

How would you go about explaining homosexuality to children?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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