
Sunday, June 30, 2013

How Clean Is Your House?

There's a UK show I watch in reruns and on Youtube called How Clean Is Your House? that features two sassy middle aged cleaning experts named Kim and Aggie who give clean makeovers to disgusting and disorganized homes all over the UK.

Every time I watch that show or Hoarders, I immediately start cleaning because it's very motivating to see how fast a house can slip into chaos if you let things go for too long.

So, where do you rank on the cleanliness scale?

Is you house spotless, kind of messy, or in need of a reality show makeover?

I'm somewhere in the middle right now. I was up late last night working at my desk and now the dishes in the sink have piled up, and the laundry needs my attention. I'm about to put on some music and start cleaning.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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