Monday, July 29, 2013

Depression : Treatment Through St. Johns Wort

This day in age there is are new medications up for FDA approval almost everyday. New drugs are being tested to treat every possible ailment. One of the most prevalent types of drugs on the scene are for the treatment of depression.But what happens when the latest prescription has side effects that are even worse than your initial symptoms?

I'm sure many have heard the dreadful commercial that comes on stating something similar to, " If you or a loved one has suffered injury or death from prescription (insert any drug name) please call this number now."

Are man made drugs safe to use for your body? Could they possibly be more harm than good? Did you know that some of the top rated drugs for depression can have side effects that cause suicidal thoughts and actions?

If you ask these questions often and feel some skepticism toward pharmaceutical drugs for treating your depression, there is relief in knowing there IS an alternative form of treatment in forms of all natural remedies.

All natural remedies are derived from plants and herbs that have natural healing capabilities with out all the chemical alterations.

If you are experiencing mild to moderate depression and fatigue, there is hope yet!

St. Johns Wort is an herbal remedy for mood elevation and alleviation from depression. This herb boosts both your energy and your attitude and can be taken up to four times a day with food.

When St. Johns Wort is used in conjunction with Valerian Root, an herb that promotes stress relief,focus and peace of mind, you can note drastic improvements are apparent in just days.

These remedies are budget friendly at under $8 for a bottle of each and can be found at your local grocery store and pharmacy near vitamins and minerals.

What are some of your favorite natural remedies?

Please Share!

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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