
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What is Your Favorite Dish or Snack That's 100 Calories or Under?

Hey everyone! I was wondering, what is your favorite diet or snack that contains 100 calories or less? I used to be really big on 100 calorie dishes right before bed, so I could have something to tide myself over until morning, but not feel too full. I used to eat strawberries and Cool Whip which has under 100 calories, or I'd eat one of those 100 calorie bags of popcorn. Those are great because the bags last forever, they're bigger than you'd think! I like Special K Crackers with Laughing Cow Cheese as well because it's only 35 calories per wedge, and it's a decent amount. Popsicles are great too if I just want something for my taste buds and something to tide me over. What are your favorite snacks or dishes that are 100 calories or under?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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