
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hating Life Right Now!

It has just been a really really annoying day. I have had a feeling that something has been brewing for some time now and all of the shit hit the fan today. Just f*ck up after F*ck up. They need to invent a way to leave the physical body without actually leaving it permanently, so that people can get a break from life, seriously. Meditation and drugs are not potent enough.

I am so unbelievably frustrated at this moment, that my armpits are actually itching/hurting as they perspire. No word of a lie. It is times like these that one needs to take a break from everything, including the human body for a bit. I can totally understand why people go on week long drug binges.

Fed up, and can't be bothered at the moment. I am sure it will pass but in the moment it feels like this is all you have, which is also crappy.

I think I'll just go to sleep.

Ps: I really do need to open that plate smashing shop that I have always wanted to open, so that I could smash the hell out of some expensive China.

Anybody else ever feel this low?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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