Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Still Getting Excite4d For Christmas?

I don't think it is any secret that as we get older, our enthusiasm for things like birthdays and Christmases dwindle significantly. I would always ask my mother, when i was little, if she was excited for Christmas and she would say somewhat, and then she used to tell me that when I got older I would lose my Christmas cheer too, but I always told her she was crazy if she thought that that was ever going to happen.

But here i am, and I could care less about Christmas or my birthday.

How are you around Christmas? Do you still get excited?

via Smart Health Shop Forum http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SmartHealthShopForum/~3/l2P5qVCewiI/13808-still-getting-excite4d-christmas.html

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