
Friday, August 30, 2013

The Designated Dieter? Come out to your friends and you may get a surprise

Just had a birthday. One of those you don't really discuss the digits on. Just graciously smile when people say "Happy Birthday" and hope they don't ask. So on my birthday, in lieu of cake, I went down to the local lake where there is a rowing machine, alpine skier, stationary bicycles, pull up bars and other work out thing-a-ma-jigs. Ah, southern California...outdoor work out equipment.

So I decided to spend at least an hour on the anniversary of my birth (so long ago) to try and do the exercise part to my renewed commitment to "diet". I was thin most of my life, but now I seem to be the "designated dieter". I get sort of embarassed to say I am on a diet wondering if my friends and cohorts will be thinking "oh thank goodness", "good for her" or more cynically "good luck...ain't gonna' happen". This year however, I got the surprise of a lifetime (so to speak) when I announced that I decided to commemorate my birth with a bit of health, not gluttony or excess. I "came out" that my birthday resolution was to take serious my commitment to diet and....exercise.

Not only did I get congratulations and more than a few pats on the back, I got offers. Offers to join me on my sojourns to the outdoor gym. The best part, the offers were not idle chatter but I now have "buddies" to join me in my endeavor. So now the ducks, the bunnies and the wildlife at the lake stand testament to the fact that sometimes just coming forward with a plan can give unexpected results. I have to smile too that the animals must enjoy the humans going round and round on the equipment. Must be quite a sight for them to watch.

Do you have any comments on cementing your resolve?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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