
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why are you lifting?

Are you lifting for strength and endurance or are you lifting for aesthetics?

For me, ultimately, it's about aesthetics.

Not even two years ago, I weighed in at 234 lbs(and let me say that had NOTHING to do with two pregnancies, just sheer laziness). So I started working out to lose weight. Fast forward 18 months and I was down to less than 170 lbs. I really love the way bodybuilding shapes each individual muscles and you can tweak things to get them juuuuuust right(in your eyes, of course). At one time I had an interest in powerlifting and crossfit but honestly, I think I'm happy just having a nice body. No need for me to become and athlete at almost 30 years old, when that's never been a priority in my life before.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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