
Thursday, September 26, 2013

I'm on a plateau!

I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to overcome a plateau? Within the last year, I've lost forty pounds. Since I've lost these initial forty pounds, I've been stuck and I don't know how to lose the last twenty pounds or so.

I've tried diet and exercise, but it just doesn't work. I thought about carrying around a book bag with extra weight to "trick" my body, but I don't know if that's really a good idea or not. I really need to lose these last few pounds because I now have hypertension and I have a family history of diabetes. I actually had gestational diabetes, and I don't want to get full blown diabetes.

Any good ideas? Just to give you some insight: I'm at home everyday with a two year old, so it needs to be practical. I can't go out and run five miles a day. To be honest, I kind of do that anyway with her.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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