
Thursday, October 31, 2013

How were You In School?

In school, I was kind of a floater. As we moved from grade to grade/year to year, our grades would change and our sets as far as a capabilities in certain subjects would also change. So you would get to talk to people in your grade that you otherwise would not have.

I noticed that most people stayed with the same clique throughout their entire high school career. But I didn't. I constantly moved from clique to clique. I moved from the popular kids, to the geeks, to the smart kids, to the punk rocker type kids, to the downright unpopular kids lol. It was fun, I must say. Some of my previous cliques kind of resented me for breaking social norms, but that is one of the main reasons that I chose to incarnate here on Earth - to smash the lines that many are afraid to even consider colouring outside of ;)

How were you in school? Which clique, if any did you fit into?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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