
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ukraine: Rival Groups Protest In Divided Crimea

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine's acting interior minister says he has disbanded a feared riot police force that many accuse of attacks on protesters.

Arsen Avakov wrote on his Facebook page Wednesday that he has signed a decree to disband the force known as Berkut.

Anti-government protesters have blamed Berkut for violent attacks against peaceful demonstrators protesting authorities' decision to ditch closer ties with the European Union and turn to Moscow instead.

Ukraine has been consumed by a three-month political crisis. President Viktor Yanukovych and protest leaders signed an agreement last week to end the conflict that left more than 80 people dead in just a few days in Kiev. Shortly after, Yanukovych fled the capital for his powerbase in eastern Ukraine but his exact whereabouts are unknown.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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