
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Vegetarian Diet Helps in Keeping Blood Pressure in Control - News Tonight Africa

Vegetarian diet helps in keeping blood pressure lower, as per a Japanese research published in JAMA Internal Medicine. The study involved more than 21,000 participants and research team concluded that vegetarian diet could be accounted for significant decline in blood pressure.

The systolic blood pressure decline among people on vegetarian diet was 6.9 point on an average. The diastolic pressure was recorded lower by 4.7 points. Another research was carried out in United States as well.

Study lead Dr. Yoko Yokoyama of the National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center in Osaka, Japan said that meat eaters could benefit the most by increasing consumption of vegetables, whole grains and beans. Controlling the diet is much better option than taking medication. In certain cases, the vegetarian diet offered better results compared to hypertension medication.

Japanese research team checked the impact of strict vegetarian diet, diet with eggs and fish and diet containing meat on the blood pressure of study subjects. The team found that vegetarian diet could reduce coronary heart disease risk by 9 percent. Stroke risk was found 14 percent lower.

High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. More than 30 percent Americans have high blood pressure. Health experts have also urged people to reduce their salt and sugar intake to keep blood pressure in control.

As the study was carried out in Japan, the consumption of soya products is higher in the region. Soya products have higher percentage of isoflavones, which are associated with lower blood pressure. Low salt diet also offers benefit to people suffering from high blood pressure. A blood pressure reading of 120/80 is considered normal for adults.

Dr. Neal Barnard of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine said that the results of the study are not surprising. He added that Americans can lead healthy lifestyle by adding more vegetables to their diet and reducing their salt intake. Having high blood pressure over longer period increases risk of other health ailments. Controlling the blood pressure with diet is the best option.

Some health experts have suggested in the past to include more vegetables in the diet. Vegetarian diet has also been credited for lowering the risk of cancer. However, some studies carried out later, have not found any significant help from eating more vegetables and fruits in reducing the risk of cancer.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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