
Thursday, May 29, 2014

James Grage's Rewired 9-Week Fitness Trainer - Day 30 Legs

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Bring back the burn with this lower-body workout. Train each leg independently with unilateral step-ups, and then channel that power into powerful bilateral exercises like Romanian deadlifts. The combination of unilateral and bilateral exercises will help you develop your core strength while putting athleticism and functionality at the forefront.

Your training should enhance everything you do in your daily life, both physically and mentally. What you do in the gym will improve your speed, power, flexibility, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular fitness, leaving you happier, stronger, and more resistant to injury. What could be better than all that? Make these precious hours count!

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About The Author

James Grage is the Co-Founder and Vice President of BPI Sports. He started training at age 15 and built an impressive body for sports.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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