
Monday, June 30, 2014

Question: Can someone please help me-I can't stop gaining weight?!!?!?

Hey guys! I'm so discouraged I just don't know what to do. I'm 17 years old, 5'1'' and currently weigh 130 pounds. I'm so depressed because I've been trying to loose weight and all I do is gain weight. I work out everyday, and at first I only cut junk food out of my diet and that didn't work, so then I only ate whole grains and fruit and vegetables and was careful to not go over 1000 calories a day, and I still gained weight off of that, so now recently I only ate fresh fruit and vegetables and water and I STILL gain weight!! I don't understand it, all my friends can eat french fries and burgers and be fine but I eat literally almost nothing and I just keep packing on the pounds. What is going on!?!?!? It didn't used to be like this by the way, just a year ago I could eat a whole box of chocolate and not gain a pound. The only thing I could think of that has changed is that I had jaw surgery last summer and so I tried to gain weight right before since I knew I'd be on an all liquid diet for a long time and it took a lot of effort just to get myself to 128 pounds, and then after my surgery obviously I lost a lot of weight, I got down to 116 pounds but as soon as I could eat again I just went back to my regular diet (which is usually pretty healthy by the way) and I just started gaining weight like crazy and it's been the same ever since. I don't know what to do and I'm so depressed.

Please, anyone with ANY insight whatsoever help me out?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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