
Monday, June 30, 2014

Question: How to get a smaller upper body and bigger lower body?

Okay so I'm asking this question off my cousins account since she is already logged into yahoo. So I am 5'7 and I weigh 164lbs during this year I've lost more than 30lbs (yea Ik I'm pretty fat still) but it's not like flabby fat. I do volleyball so most of it is muscle. I have a smaller upper and bigger lower but I want it to be more noticeable. So can u guys give me some exercises and amount of reps to do, foods to eat, foods not to eat and how many times a week to workout. I want a noticeable difference by August 9 because that's when I go to a resort and I want to have a nice body. Is that a reasonable amount of time?

If you don't have answers to all of the questions may you at least answer 1.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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