
Monday, June 30, 2014

Question: I need gain weight.! But I have a fast metabolism! How do I gain weight.?

Im 14 and i have a really fast metabolism!!! So I can't really gain weight or fat.! I'm 75 pounds and 4'9-5'0. People always tell me to eat more and eating more doesn't work for me.! What they don't know is i eat A LOT its not like i eat only junk and stuff. Also if I gain like 5 pounds in a week the next day I lose it all.!! I workout sometimes, like running or exercise. I do that cause I'm trying to grow/get taller. And I'm also in cheerleading, I'm the flyer.! So what can I do.? Extra info is that I haven't even grown my breast yet. All it want is just to gain Like 30 pounds and don't lose it.! And sometimes I hate my life cuz I can't fit in teen clothes yet.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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