
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Question: What are the benefits of an Alkaline diet? Is it true it prevents cancer?

An alkaline diet is always better than acidic. However, this diet is considered high effort and it can be hard to maintain. It is almost completely vegetarian. Many things have to be excluded including alcohol, caffeine, and gluten, but those three aren't necessarily a bad thing. Some foods that contain necessary nutrients are excluded and this means a less-balanced diet. Supplements and a good multi-vitamin would be needed to replace what you wouldn't get from excluded foods. There is very early evidence that it may help to prevent cancer, but this is not supported officially and it is way, way too soon to say it is an absolute. This can be a somewhat healthy diet because of the foods it focuses on and what those foods do for your body, but since you miss other things, it is not generally recommended by health care professionals or dieticians/nutritionists.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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