
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Query: I’ve a ache on my left aspect beneath my rub learn my element for extra?

I’ve a ache on my left facet underneath my rub learn my element for extra?

I received these abdomen pains and my abdomen used to be ridiculously bloated however I was once consuming ok and now not feeling in poor health however I was once so constipated I simply idea this used to be usually however then after like two weeks I nonetheless could not go to the bathroom correctly I would must pressure myself to head and after I did go it wasn’t so much which isn’t standard for the meals I had been consuming over the 2 weeks then my tummy looked as if it would go down I obtained my duration and all so the whole lot used to be effective however I nonetheless am now not going to the bathroom correctly and I’ve seen there’s a little swelling below my left rib the same as a a ball that is no longer onerous it is squishy and once I push down it can be long past however then seems once more it will get sore like a sew nevertheless it’s no longer lead to it can be below my ribs and now and again it hurts on that facet after I breath virtually love it’s my coronary heart I am extraordinarily involved however so scared to head to the physician can somebody supply me any thought what this will be?

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